The top two sources I have ever found are Persian and Kashmiri. In my recent trip to India I sources some 22-24 karat saffron. Crocus Sativus is one of the valuable (and expensive) herbs in the world. As important as opium as an inebriant it was an essential ingredient in Laudinum. Some of the most famous aphrodisiacs such as Oriental Joy Pills featured saffron stamens, and homeopathic medicine has documented that certain doses of saffron cause giddiness and nymphomania. Ayurvedic medicine considers this to be the most satvic of all herbs meaning that it bestows spirituality, patience and beneficence to those who consume it. Modern research has shown that croticin, a flavone is protective against certian cancers as well as alzheimers. Saffron also has shown to have an effect of the PGE5 receptors that Viagra affects.
The book Sacred and Healing Beers has a recipe for saffron ale that is well worth the time and cost!
This should cost 10$/Gm at LEAST!
This item is sold in units of 1 gm.
jackson d. –
Very happy with research on this beautiful red colored plant material. I hope anyone into health supplementation tries this. Overall health beneficiary mood lift,with added endurance and has a very floral note to it as well. Cant wait to get more soon!
Keegan S. –
Not only is this a must for many culinary creations, this is a fantastic supplement! 75-150mg sublingually gave me a powerful sense of energy and well-being. This is a wonderful ally for depression and motivation. I highly recommend, especially because of how much you can get out of a single gram!